Treasurer Report
September 8th 2021
This to inform you for tomorrow of the approximate position at 31 August; I did not report for the end of July as there are only subscription transactions in the main.
The golf result was very good; congratulations to all who took part on the day and to Ken for the work done on the Teams and to Dan for his efforts on sponsorship.
There is still some ‘tidying up’ to do but I cannot see a significant change in the result.
I have input the budget figures with some trepidation. International can be seen to have a carry forward. Whilst there is no ‘automatic’ right of carrying forward underspends, minuted agreement was obtained in 2020/21 from members. I am open to any discussions should any of the Conveners feel their budgets are not properly shown.
The last two months have not been easy but I would hope things will settle down somewhat up to the review of the financial position due in the new year.