Rotary Club of Monifieth and District

Name of the team entering into the Rotary Charity Golf Tournament 2021.
Name of the first player of 3-ball team
Contact Mobile Number for the First Player
Name of the second player of 3-ball team
Contact Mobile Number for the Second Player
Name of the third player of 3-ball team
Contact Mobile Phone Number for the Third Player
Email address of the Main Contact
Line 1; House/Flat #,
Line 2: Town and County
Post Code
Please select your preferred tee time.

Please make your payment by BACS. Using PayPal costs us £3.00 per team and this money is then not available for charity. Please use the team name that you have entered above as your reference. You can change the team name on the day if you wish.

Account Name: Rotary Club of Monifieth and District
Sort Code: 80-22-60
Account number: 1300 3261

If BACS is not suitable for you please email for other means of payment.

Please type your name in the box above to indicate that the team will accept responsibilty for respecting the safety of other teams and of the organisers by abiding by the Covid regulations in force at the time of the event.

We hope that things will have returned to some sort of normality by the end of August – it certainly has not felt normal planning for such a rigid set of guidance! Enjoy your golf.